CEO Global -

Benedikt Karpati

Profile image from Benedikt Karpati.

Puzzlepie Zambia

My job at Puz­zlepie Event Tech Zam­bia is to make every cus­tomer wish come true. After my stud­ies (physics TUM), I have been involved in con­fer­ence and media tech­nol­o­gy for 15 years, always striv­ing to push the bound­aries of what is pos­si­ble. Mean­while, I lead my team of project plan­ners, tech­ni­cal and instal­la­tion plan­ners as well as media and IT tech­ni­cians for Puzzlepie.

My mis­sion is to pro­vide our cus­tomers with first-class prod­ucts and solu­tions at fair prices.
Always through inno­va­tion and commitment!

Always at the pulse of time and some­times a bit beyond.

Puzzlepie is an event rental company operating in Lusaka.