
Event technology in Germany in the cinema hall of Imax Munich. With audience and big screen.

60 years of Helmholz

Cor­po­rate Event. IMAX, Munich.
Puz­zlepie for Helmholz at the IMAX cin­e­ma in Munich.

Small hall at the Bayerischer Hof in Munich with white armchairs on stage and seating for the press. NFL press event in December 2022.

NFL – Brand Spiders

Hotel Bay­erisch­er Hof, Munich.
Tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion of a press event.

Large modern empty event hall with seating. Coca-Cola corporate event in Germany/Munich.

Coca Cola Corporate

DDMC Event. Hilton Park, Munich.
Spe­cial design for the stage in Munich.

Audience in front of large outdoor stage in a park.

Cam­paign – Ger­man League for Nature Conservation

Königsplatz, Munich.
All tech­ni­cal trades includ­ing planning.

Physician wearing protective mask and headphones operates cameras for surgery live stream.

9. MKG – boeld communications

Berlin /​ Munich.
Live OP – stream­ing and inter­ac­tive actions.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.