Book a detailed
speaker briefing

You can effectively persuade online with high-quality visuals and audio.

Our mod­ern event for­mats enable you to reach your entire audi­ence opti­mal­ly, regard­less of their loca­tion. We pro­vide vir­tu­al events with a sophis­ti­cat­ed plat­form and a has­sle-free process for your customers.

General tips

  • An upright pos­ture and a cen­tered posi­tion in the image ensure a pro­fes­sion­al appearance.
  • A frontal per­spec­tive of the speak­er is advan­ta­geous. To do this, bring your cam­era to eye lev­el if possible.
  • In the low­er part of the image, your shoul­ders should still be vis­i­ble, while in the upper part of the image, there should be a lit­tle space to your head.
  • Remem­ber to mute your smart­phone and oth­er pos­si­ble sources of inter­fer­ence. Noti­fi­ca­tions on your PC can be dis­abled in Win­dows via the Noti­fi­ca­tion Wiz­ard in the Info Center.


  • As a speak­er, avoid direct sun­light and oth­er very bright light sources. These will result in large bright spots on your face (over­ex­posed).
  • As a speak­er, make sure that the light­ing from the front is even. Turn on the room light­ing, adjust the posi­tion of your work­sta­tion if nec­es­sary, and avoid dark shad­ows on your face.
  • Also con­sid­er the posi­tion of the sun at the time of the event. A work­place may be suit­able in the morn­ing, but unfa­vor­able in the evening.

Microphone and Audio

  • Test your micro­phone with a test video record­ing. Film your­self speaking.
    (You can use the stan­dard Win­dows app “Cam­era” for this).
  • As a speak­er, you should use a head­set with a micro­phone or an exter­nal micro­phone if pos­si­ble. These often have bet­ter audio qual­i­ty than the inter­nal lap­top microphones.
  • Avoid loud speak­ers, as they can cause feed­back with the microphone.


  • Make sure you have an even back­ground with no bright col­ors or even a window.
  • Avoid sources of inter­fer­ence that may occur in your envi­ron­ment. You can mute the phone, close win­dows and doors, close the email app, mute the door­bell, etc.

PC and Internet

  • Make sure that your lap­top is sup­plied with suf­fi­cient power.
  • Close unnec­es­sary appli­ca­tions and brows­er tabs to avoid over­load­ing your PC. This could result in jerky videos.
  • Make sure you have a good WLAN sig­nal strength and test your Inter­net speed with a tool like
    At least 4 Mbit/​s should be achieved in down­load and upload.

External appearance

  • As a speak­er, be sure to dress appropriately.
  • You should clear­ly stand out from the back­ground with your clothes.
  • Avoid check pat­terns and small pat­terns. These can cause image flick­er prob­lems with the cam­er­a’s Bay­er sensor.
  • The speak­er’s face should be clear­ly vis­i­ble and not obscured by hair.
  • For shiny reflec­tions on the face, a lit­tle con­ceal­er can help.


We wish you much success!
If you are still unsure, we will be happy to help you with a live training session.

Book the speaker briefing
as a live training.

We also offer our speak­er brief­in­gs as com­pre­hen­sive online live
This allows us to brief you and your speak­ers with direct feed­back. In the online train­ing, we can also famil­iar­ize the speak­ers with the software/​video ser­vice used (e.g. vMix) and address any questions.

A great advan­tage of live train­ing is also the inter­ac­tion between the pre­sen­ter and the speak­er, who can thus prac­tice the pre­sen­ta­tion sit­u­a­tion in advance.

Full-Ser­vice – Speak­er Brief­ing – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie Event Technology Zambia Ltd.

12073 Muku­la Street
10101 Lusa­ka, Chudleigh

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