DJ Sets for
Party’s and Gigs

Hiring DJ Sets in Lusaka

Whether it’s the start of a series or your first attempt at DJing, we know how impor­tant it is to have the right event tech­nol­o­gy, light­ing, and sound sys­tems. That’s why we’ve put togeth­er an event tech­nol­o­gy guide to help you be ful­ly prepared.

A DJ tests his equipment with a sound engineer. Dark empty dance floor with red lighting.

Puzzlepie offers confident and professional DJ Sets for parties and events.

With the excep­tion of flat-shar­ing or birth­day par­ties, where you know all the guests more or less well, you should refrain from using your own equip­ment. This is only pos­si­ble until an intox­i­cat­ed vis­i­tor knocks over a tri­pod with box­es or some­thing is stolen.


Although you are not exempt from admin­is­tra­tive tasks even with rent­ed equip­ment, since the equip­ment is insured through the rental com­pa­ny of the music sys­tem, the entire evening is much more relaxed.

Choos­ing an Sound Sys­tem for a DJ:
If the venue is not yet equipped with a music sys­tem or if it does not suit your event, then it is nec­es­sary at the lat­est now to take a clos­er look at the sound rein­force­ment tech­nol­o­gy. Of course, the sound should also be of high qual­i­ty and ide­al­ly also adapt to the room. A typ­i­cal sound sys­tem essen­tial­ly con­sists of two or more loud­speak­ers (satel­lites, tops), a sub­woofer for the low fre­quen­cies and the pow­er amplifier(s). These ensure that the audio sig­nal from the mas­ter out­put of the mix­er is repro­duced at the cor­rect vol­ume through the speak­ers. A crossover in the sound sys­tem ensures that the tweet­ers only receive sig­nals above the crossover fre­quen­cy, while the sub­woofer only repro­duces low-fre­quen­cy music mate­r­i­al.  In order not to be influ­enced by the delayed sur­round sound when mix­ing, it is rec­om­mend­ed to use an active mon­i­tor box in the DJ Booth. Active oper­a­tion means that no addi­tion­al ampli­fi­er rack is need­ed and the vol­ume of the box can be con­trolled indi­vid­u­al­ly – this is easy on the ears.

Hiring of event technology

A good knowl­edge of the premis­es is impor­tant when hir­ing event equip­ment. You can get this pri­or knowl­edge by vis­it­ing the premis­es before­hand and tak­ing some notes. An incor­rect­ly dimen­sioned sound sys­tem is a real draw­back for your event and has turned many a par­ty into a flop in the past.

You should be able to clar­i­fy the fol­low­ing ques­tions with Puzzlepie:

  • What size are the event rooms?
  • Is the loca­tion very winding?
  • How many peo­ple are expected?
  • What kind of music will be played?
  • How far is the first neigh­bour from the location?
In order to bet­ter assess and judge the dimen­sion­ing of the sound sys­tem, the size of the premis­es and the num­ber of expect­ed guests are deci­sive. Of course, a dis­tinc­tion is made whether it is a small rock con­cert or a min­i­mal par­ty. The Puz­zlepie event tech­nol­o­gy rental com­pa­ny offers good com­plete pack­ages that are designed for the num­ber of peo­ple. The com­plete sys­tems are usu­al­ly also expand­able and can be changed in configuration.

It is well advised to use a lim­iter at the end of the ampli­fi­er chain. The fol­low­ing sys­tems can be select­ed as guide­lines depend­ing on the room size. For more detailed advice, please con­tact Puzzlepie:

Up to 100 peo­ple : 2x tops with 8″ woofer /​ 1″ tweet­er (2x 250W/​50W) 1x sub­woofer with 12″ (300W).
Up to 200 peo­ple: 2x top speak­ers with e.g. 12″ woofer and 1″ tweet­er (2x 400W) 2x sub­woofers with 18″ (500W).

The satel­lite speak­ers can be used as sin­gle speak­ers or in com­bi­na­tion with the sub­woofer. Of course, sev­er­al satel­lites can also be con­nect­ed to the subwoofer.

Puzzlepie gives tips on how to plan the space for DJing events:

It can be use­ful to place sev­er­al satel­lite speak­ers in dif­fer­ent loca­tions if the room con­di­tions are very angu­lar. This way, you can radi­ate the sound not only in the direc­tion the DJ booth is fac­ing on the dance floor, but also over a larg­er area. The only impor­tant thing is that the vol­ume of the tops can be con­trolled sep­a­rate­ly. It is rec­om­mend­ed to pro­vide qui­et zones at every event where guests can relax in between. Some­times the exist­ing sys­tem can also be used for back­ground music.

Regard­ing neigh­bours and noise pol­lu­tion, the oper­a­tor or own­er of the loca­tion can cer­tain­ly give you detailed infor­ma­tion. For events in bars locat­ed in res­i­den­tial areas, it makes sense to bring one less bass box. A par­ty that lasts late into the night is not only a plea­sure for vis­i­tors and organ­is­ers, but also an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the organ­is­er to sell more. Event tech­ni­cians usu­al­ly have a good idea of what equip­ment is need­ed if they know the size of the room and the num­ber of visitors.

We rec­om­mend that you do not buy the music sys­tem at the last minute, because unfor­tu­nate­ly some­thing can always go wrong with the tech­nol­o­gy. Even if Puz­zlepie checks the mate­r­i­al again before deliv­ery, it is always pos­si­ble that some­thing is still wrong. Such prob­lems can be solved with enough time.
Like any good rental com­pa­ny, Puz­zlepie has an emer­gency num­ber for such cases.

Blue picture with a hand of the DJ on his DJ-Controller.
The DJ booth:

There is noth­ing bet­ter than feel­ing com­fort­able behind the DJ’s desk at your own event and hav­ing the right tech­nol­o­gy in sight. Nev­er­the­less, it makes sense to clar­i­fy the need for equip­ment behind the desk in advance with every­one involved. Nowa­days, a lot can be con­trolled via CD or DJ con­trollers, a dig­i­tal vinyl sys­tem is also often used and space for the lap­top should also be planned for. In gen­er­al, it should be not­ed that there should be enough space behind the con­sole to change the DJ. A 4‑channel mix­er also helps with switch­ing, as it offers enough con­nec­tions to con­nect a sec­ond play­back device if needed.

Rectangular housing without cover of the Technics SL 1210 MK2 turntable.

Quick planning

More Info

Due to our expe­ri­ence, we can advise you indi­vid­u­al­ly and quick­ly in the area of par­ty, DJ & PA and offer you fast con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion accord­ing to your wishes.

Most modern technology

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You want more show, effect and light? Not just the ▸ ROBE Robin LED­Beam 150 or prod­ucts from ▸ ▸ MA Light­ing?

That’s no prob­lem for us either. How big can you imag­ine? We can make it happen.

Party staff

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We can staff all major aspects of a par­ty with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work includes an array of free­lancers that we have vetted.

An exam­ple of how to set up a DJ booth:
Here there are two turnta­bles, a CD play­er, a 4‑channel mix­er and enough space for the lap­top. In addi­tion, there is anoth­er table locat­ed direct­ly in the DJ’s back. Here there is enough space to store the DJ’s record col­lec­tion or oth­er equipment.

Example picture for components of a modern party system with all accessories.

The mon­i­tor box is often placed to the side. This way, the path of the sound to the ear is short and the view of the danc­ing crowd is not obstruct­ed. This is one way of set­ting the pre-lis­ten­ing vol­ume for the DJ (inde­pen­dent of the actu­al vol­ume on the dance floor). So on the one hand you are not per­ma­nent­ly bom­bard­ed with 100 dB at close range, on the oth­er hand the time delay is min­i­mal. It is very impor­tant and often for­got­ten: Behind the lectern, a small lamp works won­ders. It helps to ori­en­tate one­self. This can also be a table lamp from home dark­ened with coloured foil.

Cre­ate the right mood:
At least as impor­tant as the right piece at the right time is to cre­ate the right mood with the avail­able options. Besides the right place­ment of the DJ booth and speak­ers in the room, the light­ing fac­tor is often neglect­ed. Light is a means of cre­at­ing vari­ety and stim­u­lat­ing the sens­es. It should not be too bright on the dance floor. But too dark is not desir­able either. How is the chill-out zone lit and how loud is the music? These are impor­tant ques­tions to clar­i­fy in advance. The fol­low­ing is pri­mar­i­ly about the light and the light­ing effect.

Spotlight colorful shining attached to the top of a truss. In the foreground the Puzzlepie logo.

Stage a great event with the
latest in lighting technology.

Example picture of building blocks of a modern lighting system for parties with all accessories.

Puz­zlepie ▸ Light­ing equip­ment for hire includes a huge range of prod­ucts and appli­ca­tions and every­thing you need for a spec­tac­u­lar light show. Puz­zlepie rents out light­ing con­soles, mov­ing lights, day­lights, LED spot­lights and chasers. We have more than enough dif­fer­ent light­ing prod­ucts for rent for every kind of event. Whether it’s a small par­ty, trade fair, con­cert or large event, indoors or out­doors, staff par­ty or TV show, live music or trade fair – we are guar­an­teed to have the right equip­ment and accessories.

Our light­ing spe­cial­ists will be hap­py to advise you on how best to stage the loca­tion of your event and which pos­si­ble LED wall would be suit­able for your audience.

Staging your stage with light

Whether spot­lights for the per­fect illu­mi­na­tion of stages, mov­ing lights and lasers in dif­fer­ent colour vari­a­tions for use in bars and clubs or for the atmos­pher­ic light­ing of dec­o­ra­tions. With LED spot­lights, stages and dis­cothe­ques can be per­fect­ly staged. Var­i­ous out­door spot­lights bathe your open-air event in atmos­pher­ic light. Strobes and dis­co balls refine your par­ty with bril­liant light­ing effects. Fog machines add a spa­tial dimen­sion to the light­ing design. Soap bub­bles or con­fet­ti from the machine add to the fun. Puz­zlepie also offers the right acces­sories for a suc­cess­ful show: stands, cables, illu­mi­nants and much more.

Of course, you want an opti­mal sound sys­tem and first-class sound for your stage show. But with­out the right light­ing, a con­cert or event would not be pos­si­ble. It stages a venue in such a way that your audi­ence and vis­i­tors feel com­plete­ly at ease. These are the most impor­tant basics for a suc­cess­ful stage evening.

No mat­ter whether it is a light instal­la­tion for a stage show, a light pro­duc­tion for build­ings & rooms, a clas­si­cal con­cert or a the­atre pro­duc­tion: Puz­zlepie’s many years of expe­ri­ence help us to find an opti­mal and bud­get-friend­ly light­ing solu­tion for your event. In many cas­es, it is pos­si­ble to realise effec­tive light­ing with rel­a­tive­ly low resources.

But we are also avail­able with state-of-the-art tech­nol­o­gy for large pro­duc­tions and impres­sive shows.

Lighting GrandMA 3 light console seen from the front.

GrandMA3 light

The grandMA3 light is the pow­er­house of the grandMA3 series and con­vinces with the per­fect mix of pow­er and size.

The grandMA3 light­ing con­sole can be used for any type of appli­ca­tion. It is also the right choice for demand­ing pro­duc­tions.
All this togeth­er makes the grandMA3 light prob­a­bly the most ver­sa­tile light­ing con­sole in this field.

Find out more details about the ▸ grandMA3 light.

Light­ing Design & Effects:
It is clear that DJs want to save costs, espe­cial­ly at the begin­ning, but hir­ing a cer­tain basic equip­ment is still sen­si­ble in terms of the par­ty expe­ri­ence. A par­ty entire­ly with­out light­ing effects is too sober and is char­ac­terised by obtru­sive monot­o­ny. Dur­ing the day, this may work for an open-air in sum­mer, but at night, light­ing is an impor­tant part of the event. Light­ing is a very essen­tial part of event tech­nol­o­gy that can­not be ignored.For small­er bud­gets, rental com­pa­nies offer floor spots, dis­co balls, LED effects and sim­ple scan­ners for rent. Espe­cial­ly in the case of floor spots, there have been enor­mous tech­ni­cal improve­ments in recent years due to LED tech­nol­o­gy. Com­pared to con­ven­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy, the colour shades can be eas­i­ly changed. Colour foils are not nec­es­sary. The new LED tech­nol­o­gy not only con­sumes less ener­gy. It also gen­er­ates sig­nif­i­cant­ly less waste heat. In some mod­els, intel­li­gent elec­tron­ics or even a micro­phone are inte­grat­ed. So the colour changes to match the music.
Lit­tle effort, great effect.

Even small light designs have a big impact:
With just a few floor spots, walls or even the dance floor can be illu­mi­nat­ed from a tri­pod. If you want to achieve some­thing more,
scan­ners are a good option that addi­tion­al­ly react to the music and con­jure up dif­fer­ent colours and shapes on a sur­face or floor. How­ev­er, they should def­i­nite­ly be mount­ed on tripods – at least well above head height. The devices can be pro­grammed with dif­fer­ent pro­grammes and in most cas­es also have auto­mat­ic oper­a­tion. An alter­na­tive is to use black light. Objects can eas­i­ly be sprayed with black light paint and leave a last­ing impres­sion. Always good and inex­pen­sive to hire is, of course, the tried and test­ed dis­co ball. It is illu­mi­nat­ed with one or more spots.

Event tech­nol­o­gy – the sim­plic­i­ty of resources:
In addi­tion to sound and light­ing, there is oth­er equip­ment that can cre­ate even more atmos­phere on the dance floor and at the par­ty. This ranges from the con­fet­ti machine, which rains con­fet­ti from the ceil­ing at the push of a but­ton, to the
fog machine, which is equipped with a cool­ing sys­tem to cre­ate fog that stays on the floor. Fog machines are a part of atmos­pher­ic effects, but their use should be done with care. If a fog machine is com­bined with a ▸ strobe, the over­all effect is very beautiful.

Conclusion and final thoughts on DJ Sets for Party’s and Gigs:

The right event tech­nol­o­gy is undoubt­ed­ly the cor­ner­stone of a suc­cess­ful cel­e­bra­tion. Poor sound and speak­ers that are too qui­et don’t exact­ly help to encour­age guests to stay long. Sim­ple pro­mo­tions for your cel­e­bra­tion, such as a fog machine, or free rounds of drinks for your vis­i­tors, 3D glass­es or oth­er niceties, will remain in the event vis­i­tors’ pleas­ant memories.

In terms of atmos­phere: The DJ booth and speak­ers must be placed in a suit­able loca­tion. The suit­able place is not nec­es­sar­i­ly the place where the con­sole is in use at oth­er events. All this may seem triv­ial, but it is of great impor­tance for the atmos­phere of an event. Because only the com­bi­na­tion of good event tech­nol­o­gy and the right set­up cre­ates the right feel­ing of space in which one can con­vince with one’s DJ skills can be convincing.

Full-Ser­vice – DJ Sets, Par­ty’s and Gigs – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.

Puzzlepie Event Technology Zambia Ltd.

12073 Muku­la Street
10101 Lusa­ka, Chudleigh

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