Rent Stage

Are you looking for the right
stage equipment for your event?

Whether fes­ti­val main­stage or rig­ging for your club event. We equip you every­where and accord­ing to your require­ments with the right stage.

This is an exam­ple of a stage built by the Puz­zlepie Crew.

Reli­able and sta­ble stage struc­tures and a real stage concept.

Large festival stage set up outdoors.

From Layher event systems to Bütec stage platforms.

Often the high­est demands are made on the optics – oth­er times a sta­ble stage must be built in dif­fi­cult out­door ter­rain. We offer the right basis for your event and all instal­la­tions and effects. Some­times large lasers and spec­tac­u­lar pyro effects are also used.

Lift­ing plat­forms make it pos­si­ble to cre­ate dif­fer­ent stage lev­els dur­ing the event and to vary them live. From the sin­gle-stage stage to the mobile pre­fab­ri­cat­ed stage or large lay­er con­struc­tions of an are­na stage with
Line array speak­ers. We imple­ment your require­ments with safe­ty and reliability.

At a “nor­mal” fes­ti­val, the stage is the cen­ter of inter­est. A stage with only a light­ing sys­tem or a real stage con­cept for an extra­or­di­nary mul­ti­me­dia show?
• Let us con­vince you!
Stage tech­nol­o­gy from our catalog.

Audience in front of large outdoor stage in a park.

Fast planning

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Thanks to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we can advise you quick­ly and com­pe­tent­ly in the field of stage tech­nol­o­gy and offer you sen­si­ble con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion of your wishes.

Arbitrary scaling

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Cul­tur­al event in the city cen­ter or large open air? No prob­lem for us. We deliv­er accord­ing to your requirements.

Highest quality

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We make your design and con­cept wish­es come true. As a tech­ni­cal ser­vice provider with many years of expe­ri­ence, we can make (almost) any­thing pos­si­ble for you.

Reli­able and sta­ble stage struc­tures and a real stage concept.

Full-Ser­vice – Stage Equip­ment – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.