Lighting Design
for Events

Hire magnificent productions with state-of-the-art lighting technology.

Light­ing Design from Puz­zlepie includes a huge range of prod­ucts and appli­ca­tions, and includes every­thing you need to put on a spec­tac­u­lar light show. Puz­zlepie serves con­trol desks, mov­ing lights, day­lights, LED lights and chasers. We serve more than enough dif­fer­ent light­ing prod­ucts for all kinds of events. Whether it’s a small par­ty, a trade show, a con­cert or a major event, indoor or out­door, employ­ee par­ty or TV show, live music or a trade show, we are sure to have the right equip­ment and sup­plies in our event tech­nol­o­gy inventory.

Our experts in the field of light­ing tech­nol­o­gy will be hap­py to advise you on how to best stage the loca­tion for your event on the one hand and which LED wall is the right one for your audi­ence on the other.
Learn more about this now in the Puz­zlepielight­ing rental cat­a­log.

About 200 people with waving hands in an event hall. Performance of a singer with light show.

Hire the lighting of your stage

Whether spot­lights for the per­fect illu­mi­na­tion of stages, mov­ing lights and lasers in var­i­ous col­or vari­ants for use in bars or clubs or the atmos­pher­ic dec­o­ra­tion light­ing.
With LED spot­lights you per­fect­ly illu­mi­nate stages and discotheques.

Var­i­ous out­door spot­lights immerse your open-air event in atmos­pher­ic light. Stro­bo­scopes and dis­co balls refine your par­ty with
glam­orous light effects.

Fog machines bring dimen­sion to the light­ing design and play­ful­ly you get your mon­ey’s worth with soap bub­bles or con­fet­ti from the machine. Puz­zlepie also offers the right acces­so­ry equip­ment for a suc­cess­ful show: stands, cables, illu­mi­nants and much more.
Spotlight colorful shining attached to the top of a truss. In the foreground the Puzzlepie logo.


Hire ROBE Robin LEDBeam 150.The Robe Robin LED­Beam 150 proves one thing impres­sive­ly: fast, cut­ting beams as well as sophis­ti­cat­ed wash­es can be cre­at­ed in a com­pact hous­ing with a zoom system.

Read more details about the
▸ Robe Robin LED­Beam 150.

Hiring the perfect Stage Shows
Of course you want opti­mal sound rein­force­ment and first-class sound for your stage per­for­mance. But what would a con­cert or an event be with­out the right light­ing? It sets the scene for a loca­tion in such a way that your audi­ence and vis­i­tors feel more com­fort­able all around. Basics for suc­cess­ful stage evenings.
Whether you’re look­ing for a light­ing sys­tem for a stage per­for­mance, build­ing & room light­ing, a clas­si­cal con­cert or a the­atre pro­duc­tion, Puz­zlepie’s years of rental expe­ri­ence will help us find the opti­mum and bud­get-friend­ly light­ing solu­tion for your event.

Often, effec­tive light­ing can be real­ized with rel­a­tive­ly mod­est means. But you can also get state-of-the-art light­ing tech­nol­o­gy from us for large-scale pro­duc­tions and impres­sive shows. » light­ing tech­nol­o­gy catalog.

Spotlight ROBE Robin LEDBeam 150 for lighting technology.

Quick planning

More Info

Due to our expe­ri­ence we can advise you indi­vid­u­al­ly and quick­ly in the field of light­ing tech­nol­o­gy and offer you fast con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion accord­ing to your wishes.

Most modern technology

More Info

You want more show, effect and light? Not only the ROBE Robin LED­Beam 150 or prod­ucts from MA Lighting?

This is also no prob­lem for us. How big can you imag­ine? We can real­ize it.

Lighting staff

More Info

We can staff all major aspects of a light show with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work includes an array of free­lancers that we have vetted.

Lighting GrandMA 3 light console seen from the front.
GrandMA3 light

The grandMA3 light is the pow­er­house of the grandMA3 series and con­vinces with the per­fect mix of pow­er and size.
The grandMA3 light­ing con­sole can be used for any type of appli­ca­tion. It is also the right choice for demand­ing pro­duc­tions.
All this togeth­er makes the grandMA3 light prob­a­bly the most ver­sa­tile light­ing con­sole in this field.

Find out more details about the grandMA3 light.

Full-Ser­vice – Light­ing Tech­nol­o­gy & Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.