Hiring Virtual
& Online Events

Virtuel Events

With mod­ern live stream­ing pro­duc­tions, you can reach your cus­tomers regard­less of their loca­tion. We offer vir­tu­al events with a sophis­ti­cat­ed plat­form and a smooth process for your customers.

Rent an vir­tu­al stu­dio offers more pos­si­bil­i­ties and oppor­tu­ni­ties for your marketing.

Screens in the direction of an event.

Immersive storytelling is becoming a new standard.

Events do not always have to take place at one loca­tion. Many rea­sons can speak for a vir­tu­al or hybrid for­mat. We help you with the opti­mal implementation.

In doing so, the right mix is our

We com­bine real sets with mod­er­a­tor and speak­ers, video calls live from around the world and view­ers at your work­place or home. This way every­one can opti­mal­ly par­tic­i­pate and con­tribute to the event.

We also offer the orga­ni­za­tion of vir­tu­al break­out ses­sions and mod­er­at­ed calls.

From our video con­trol room for vir­tu­al events in Lusa­ka, we are hap­py to coör­di­nate your vir­tu­al event. From here, we can also brief your speak­ers and pre­pare them for the vir­tu­al event with a speak­er brief­ing and pre­pare them for the vir­tu­al event.

Event Website

The event web­site serves as the cen­ter­piece for vis­i­tors to your event. Here you can present your con­tent, enable com­mu­ni­ca­tion among par­tic­i­pants and present indi­vid­ual schedules.

Registration (interface to CRM)

Reg­is­tra­tion allows us to inter­face from the event plat­form direct­ly to your Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Management.

External services integration

Your exist­ing ser­vices can be inte­grat­ed direct­ly into your vir­tu­al event plat­form. Whether Zoom, Twit­ter or Pay­Pal, many exter­nal tools can be seam­less­ly inte­grat­ed into our event web­sites and event plat­forms. Your event pro­gram can also be con­ve­nient­ly pro­vid­ed as a cus­tomiz­able agen­da for each indi­vid­ual user.

Live stream with enhancements

We are hap­py to sup­ple­ment the livestream of your vir­tu­al event with a chat (mod­er­at­ed by us if required). Inter­ac­tion with the speak­er can be real­ized direct­ly through speak­er ques­tions or inte­grat­ed polls. There is also the pos­si­bil­i­ty for vir­tu­al roundtables.


For small and medi­um groups, we can also enable direct video calls with­in the event plat­form. Again with screen shar­ing, polls and chats.


Three-column image with examples of possible interactions at an online event.

Enhance the experience of your event by creating a hybrid event,
for example by renting a virtual studio.

With the » Unre­al Engine, it is pos­si­ble to place peo­ple from a real set into a vir­tu­al stu­dio – live and in cor­rect per­spec­tive. Cam­era move­ments, arbi­trary posi­tion­ing of cam­eras and actors who can move freely around the set are now possible!

With the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and pow­er­ful graph­ics cards, elab­o­rate­ly designed vir­tu­al stu­dios are eas­i­ly live and flu­id. We are hap­py to imple­ment your wish­es and ideas and pro­duce indi­vid­ual vir­tu­al rooms for you in your cor­po­rate design.

The result is high-qual­i­ty images that are sure to wow view­ers. State-of-the-art video tech­nol­o­gy from » Black­mag­ic Design, cut­ting-edge tools for every trade, and no com­pro­mis­es on hard­ware will make your online event a mem­o­rable experience.

Detail of the Puzzlepie stand at the Future of Festivals trade fair in Germany/Berlin.

Fast planning

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Due to our many years of expe­ri­ence, we can pro­vide you with very good advice in the area of live video stream­ing and offer you quick con­cepts for imple­men­ta­tion accord­ing to your wishes.

Any scaling

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You want to show dif­fer­ent sets, real setups in between and include callers from oth­er coun­tries? That’s no prob­lem for us either. How big can you imag­ine it? We can make it happen.

Staff for all trades

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We can staff all aspects of a live pro­duc­tion with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work includes many free­lancers vet­ted by us.

Full-Ser­vice – Online Events – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.