Rent your Internet
for your event

Event-IT Internet for events

The effi­cient net­work­ing for com­plex events. Whether cus­tomer WLAN or stream­ing Inter­net con­nec­tion. We offer the right net­work solu­tion, fast and fail-safe. You can rely on us!

A large room with servers.

Net­work­ing, Inter­net and WLAN are also becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant at events and fes­ti­vals. Hybrid and dig­i­tal events/​live events are in any case depen­dent on a strong and reli­able infrastructure.

We can pro­vide not only the net­work hard­ware for your event. We can also supply:

  • Load Bal­anc­ing
  • Redun­dant inter­net connection
  • Mobile solu­tions, even with­out a fixed cable con­nec­tion and in the field.
  • Sta­ble WLAN net­works even with many thou­sands of visitors.
  • Sta­ble, pri­or­i­tized Inter­net con­nec­tion for live stream­ing even with many end devices.
  • Shield­ed, secure net­works and VLAN.
  • High­est secu­ri­ty standards
Symbolic image for an LTE antenna.

» Our mobile redundant 4G antenna.

A state-of-the-art out­door pack­age for stream­ing and sim­i­lar appli­ca­tions. High speed infra­struc­ture – low laten­cy con­fer­ence audio and video stream­ing.
In addi­tion to our own hard­ware, we have relied on tech­nol­o­gy from Ubiq­ui­ti from the very begin­ning and are now the largest rental com­pa­ny in Ger­many with over 100 access points.

Our expe­ri­ence cov­ers event sizes from 20 peo­ple and a sin­gle access point to cov­er­ing 30,000 square feet of office space with over 100 access points of the large Unifi UAP-AC-SHD series in a 10 Giga­bit net­work. Con­troller-based net­work man­age­ment is always used. This means that our net­works are scal­able and indi­vid­u­al­ly tai­lored to each application.

Whether in the exhi­bi­tion hall or far away from the action, we’ll get your cus­tomers and atten­dees online.

Data exchange, serv­er and office periph­er­als are also a mat­ter of course for us and can be booked if required. We are at your side as a strong part­ner with expe­ri­ence from the con­fer­ence to
your▸vir­tu­al live pro­duc­tion.

Full-Ser­vice – Inter­net for Events – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie Event Technology Zambia Ltd.

12073 Muku­la Street
10101 Lusa­ka, Chudleigh