60 years of the Helmholtz Center. IMAX, Munich

Helmholtz Munich

With mod­ern video pro­duc­tions you can impress your clien­tele in a pro­fes­sion­al and appeal­ing way. Puz­zlepie offers exten­sive exper­tise in con­tent pro­duc­tion. You can rely on our qual­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty when you hire us for a full service.

There are already more options for hir­ing cor­po­rate event AV than you can imagine.

Cinema hall at Imax Munich with audience and big screen.

Prestigious event on a large screen.

The Helmholtz Munich Soci­ety cel­e­brat­ed its anniver­sary in the IMAX cin­e­ma hall of the Deutsches Muse­um in Munich. Puz­zlepie equipped the event with the nec­es­sary tech­nol­o­gy and pro­vides an atmos­pher­ic and attrac­tive evening. 
Helmholtz Munich

The IMAX screen is equipped with a so-called soft edge. To play on the large screen 2 pro­jec­tors are nec­es­sary. These are dig­i­tal­ly con­nect­ed by us to a large pro­jec­tion sur­face and then
with pre­sen­ta­tion,
cam­eras and videos.

60th anniver­sary with Puz­zlepie event tech­nol­o­gy.
The result is high-qual­i­ty images that are guar­an­teed to delight the view­er. State-of-the-art cin­e­ma tech­nol­o­gy and high-qual­i­ty pre­sen­ta­tions cre­ate a pro­fes­sion­al atmos­phere and sat­is­fied clientele.

Blue lit room with large demonstration screen.
Hallway of a public building with round tables and various lighting options.
Computer network with 10 screens for a panel discussion.

You also want to let your cor­po­rate events shine in the most beau­ti­ful design?
You can rely on our qual­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty when you hire us for a full service.

Computer network with 10 screens for a panel discussion.

Fast planning

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Due to our expe­ri­ence we can advise you very well in the area of video live stream and offer you fast con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion based on your wishes.

Arbitrary scaling

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You want to show dif­fer­ent sets, real setups in between and include callers from oth­er coun­tries? That’s no prob­lem for us either. How big can you imag­ine?
We can make it happen.

Personnel for all crafts

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We can staff all aspects of a live pro­duc­tion with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work spans many free­lancers vet­ted by us.

Full-Ser­vice – Cor­po­rate Events – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.