The Nectrol Soundbar

The time has come for your own Nectrol Soundbar Sound System!

In start mode, the Nec­trol Sound­bar plays indi­vid­ual music gen­res or announce­ments.
In sound­bar mode, it con­nects to the TV.

In music mode, it plays guests’ music – either via a wired con­nec­tion or Blue­tooth.
In con­fer­ence mode, it broad­casts encrypt­ed audio live from the con­fer­ence or ban­quet hall.

Emer­gency Mode allows the trans­mis­sion of live spo­ken or record­ed instructions.

The Nec­trol sound­bar can be inex­tri­ca­bly linked to your fur­ni­ture.
It is man­u­fac­tured in your brand­ed design and fin­ish and has numer­ous addi­tion­al fea­tures and upgrades.

Nectrol soundbar in modern designed hotel room with bright brick look.

Soundbar Sound System for hotels and smart homes.

Nectrol soundbar in molded brick design and wood trim.

Nectrol Soundbar


Baby mon­i­tor module
Baby­phone mode lis­tens into the room and trans­mits any sound your baby makes in encrypt­ed form to the Nec­trol Lis­ten­er – and you can respond and soothe your baby through the sound­bar. The Nec­trol Lis­ten­er is able to send pushup mes­sages to a smartphone.

WiFi Mod­ule
The WiFi mod­ule turns the Nec­trol sound­bar into a WiFi repeater access point. You can use it to con­nect only the Nec­trol prod­ucts – or to equip your whole house with per­fect and pow­er­ful WiFi coverage.

Full-Ser­vice – Nec­trol Sound Sys­tem – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.