I❶I Event Rental

Affordable Event Rentals – in Zambia!


Benefit from our favorable prices, fast response times and individual offers.
Full service and manpower for event and media productions & installations.

Silhouette of a sound engineer at an event.


A dri­ver of inno­va­tion in the field of dig­i­tal audio sig­nal pro­cess­ing. The three top series dLIVE, AVANTIS and SQ are not only pow­er­ful but also offer all the fea­tures that make a dig­i­tal mix­ing con­sole so ver­sa­tile. Audio mix­ers that def­i­nite­ly should not be miss­ing at your event. Not only do we offer any Allen&Heath Prod­ucts, but also the staff trained accordingly.

The British sup­pli­er of sound equip­ment Allen & Heath spe­cial­izes in mix­ing con­soles.
Oth­er offers include con­trol sys­tems for sound instal­la­tions and spe­cial mix­ers for DJs.


You’ve prob­a­bly heard of a 3D Audio event. Per­fect sound from every direc­tion. We can make your dream come true with the help of L‑ISA Tech­nol­o­gy. Not only L‑ISA, but also any oth­er prod­uct from L‑ACOUSTICS we offer at a rea­son­able price.
No mat­ter which K‑, A‑, X‑, P- or S‑series loud­speak­er you choose, we always have the right ampli­fiers and acces­sories available.

Audience in front of large outdoor stage in a park.
Orchestra ensemble in concert hall with conductor for a test recording.


It’s your voice. Find your micro­phone. You will find it with us. We offer the right mikrophon for every appli­ca­tion. Whether wire­less or wired, with the lat­est micro­phone sys­tems, e.g. the ULX‑D series, every nuance of your voice will be audi­ble in the end. You look good?! With the right micro­phones from Puz­zlepie you will also be heard well.

That’s for sure!


Light­ing con­trol at the high­est lev­el cou­pled with unsur­passed reli­a­bil­i­ty and qual­i­ty.

The com­pa­ny MALight­ing has right­ly earned its rep­u­ta­tion with the world-famous Grand­MA, among others.

We equip you with the right hard­ware and the appro­pri­ate­ly qual­i­fied personnel.

Three blue spotlights as lighting for small stage.
Virtual backdrop of a night TV show with spotlights.


With our pro­fes­sion­al spot­lights your event shines in the best light. With the new i‑series even out­doors in pour­ing rain.

Ben­e­fit from our many years of expe­ri­ence and our full ser­vice, so that your desired event shines in per­fect splen­dor with the appro­pri­ate tech­nol­o­gy. With dif­fer­ent light moods  you set your speak­ers and high­lights in scene.

Analog Way

8k, HDR, mul­ti­screens and LED walls – all this sounds like the future to you? All-in-one video wall sys­tems with inte­grat­ed mul­ti­view­er and scaler. With us, that’s already the present. Because Live Pre­mier can do just that.


Easy to use and extreme­ly pow­er­ful, the mot­to that def­i­nite­ly applies. Get the expert help you need with Live Pre­mier sup­port plans.

Large modern empty event hall with seating. Coca-Cola Corporate Event.
Cinema hall at Imax Munich with audience and big screen.


Cus­tomized and mobile, that’s what every­one wants. With us you can have exact­ly that. Because whether it’s back pro or up pro, we have the per­fect screen for you. The screen can not only stand, but also fly, want to bet?

Mobile and sta­tion­ary pro­jec­tion surfaces/​screens as well as sys­tems for mul­ti-dis­play, media con­trol and dig­i­tal sig­nal trans­mis­sion from stumpfl.


We take your event into the air. With our high-per­for­mance motors for stage tech­nol­o­gy of the class D8, D8+ and C1, there are no lim­its upwards.
With an elec­tric chain hoist even up to 12t at once.

Festival stage during set up.

Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zam­bia.
Full-Ser­vice SoundStag­ing Ser­vices from Lusaka.