Puzzlepie on the FoF

Future of Festivals

Puz­zlepie shows ideas for hybrid con­cepts at (music) fes­ti­vals at the “Future of Fes­ti­vals” exhi­bi­tion. The stu­dio is suit­able for vir­tu­al, hybrid events or as a com­ple­men­tary ele­ment to live events. The range of options is diverse, so that the set­up offers enough space even for large and elab­o­rate productions.

There are already more potential
appli­ca­tions than you can
pos­si­bly imagine!
Exhibition stand of Puzzlepie company with three people and state of the art technology equipment for hybrid events.

New ideas for hybrid formats.

At the heart of our vision for the future of hybrid (fes­ti­val) for­mats is soft­ware like Unre­al Engine und Vmix.
This allows vir­tu­al back­grounds, 3D stu­dios and green screens to be brought into the live world and com­bined with feeds from all over the world.

With the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and potent graph­ics cards, elab­o­rate­ly designed vir­tu­al stu­dios are eas­i­ly pos­si­ble live and fluid.

We are hap­py to imple­ment your wish­es and ideas and pro­duce indi­vid­ual vir­tu­al rooms for you in your cor­po­rate design.

The result is high-qual­i­ty images that are guar­an­teed to impress view­ers. State-of-the-art video tech­nol­o­gy from
Black­mag­ic Design, cut­ting-edge tools for every trade, and no com­pro­mis­es on hard­ware will make your online event a mem­o­rable experience.
Presenter in virtual studio with green screen background.

Hybrid events using the Virtual Studio.

With the▸Unre­al Engine it is pos­si­ble to place peo­ple from a real set into a vir­tu­al stu­dio – live and per­spec­tive cor­rect. Cam­era move­ments, arbi­trary posi­tion­ing of cam­eras and actors who can move freely around the set are now pos­si­ble! With the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy and pow­er­ful graph­ics cards, elab­o­rate design mea­sures can eas­i­ly be real­ized live and flu­ent­ly in the vir­tu­al studios.
Feel free to imple­ment your indi­vid­ual wish­es and ideas and cre­ate cus­tomized vir­tu­al spaces with us that are per­fect­ly matched to your cor­po­rate design.
We are look­ing for­ward to meet­ing you!

Three people at PC terminals with quite a few large screens for hybrid events.

Fast planning

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Due to our expe­ri­ence we can advise you very well in the area of video live stream and offer you fast con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion based on your wishes.

Arbitrary scaling

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You want to show dif­fer­ent sets, real setups in between and include callers from oth­er coun­tries? That’s no prob­lem for us either. How big can you imag­ine?
We can make it happen.

Personnel for all crafts

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We can staff all aspects of a live pro­duc­tion with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work spans many free­lancers vet­ted by us.

Full-Ser­vice – Future of Fes­ti­vals & Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.