LED walls
& LED modules

Hire LED modules and LED walls for indoor and outdoor exhibitions and events.

LED walls are absolute­ly flex­i­ble – the spec­trum ranges from mobile LED sys­tems for out­door use, where even curved shapes can be real­ized, to the finest video walls with a pix­el pitch of just 2 mil­lime­tres for indoor use. By using the high-res­o­lu­tion mod­ules, you can achieve razor-sharp and uni­form images in dimen­sions that far exceed the capa­bil­i­ties of displays.

Whether for a fash­ion show or a con­fer­ence, for an event or a pub­lic view­ing – at Puz­zlepie you can hire large screens in var­i­ous for­mats. This trans­forms every event into a small showpiece.

LEDitgo LED modules

The » LED­it­go LED mod­ules have been spe­cial­ly designed for demand­ing use in the rental busi­ness: they are suit­able for con­certs, trade fair appear­ances, TV shows, live broad­casts, prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tions, sport­ing events and pub­lic view­ings. The LED­it­go LED wall mod­ules are char­ac­ter­ized by a well thought-out con­cept, from sim­ple instal­la­tion to reli­a­bil­i­ty. Regard­less of whether you want to rent the LED walls for indoor or out­door use, with LED­it­go you ben­e­fit from a bright­ness of up to 1600 nits (even 6000 nits in the out­door ver­sion). With our com­plete ser­vice, which includes instal­la­tion by us and, if required, tech­ni­cal sup­port dur­ing the event, you can enjoy the bril­liant visu­al plea­sure to the full. Thanks to the patent­ed Quick-Lock sys­tem, you can set up the LED wall your­self in no time at all.

LEDitgo rX2+ / Indoor Videowall LED MODULE.
LED­it­go LED walls are user-friend­ly and easy to oper­ate. Regard­less of whether you want to rent indoor or out­door LED walls or set them up your­self – the sig­nal is sim­ply fed in via the appro­pri­ate LED controller.
LEDitgo rX3io - Outdoor Videowall LED-MODUL mieten.

Outdoor LED walls

We also place our full trust in LED­it­go’s LED mod­ules for out­door appli­ca­tions. What was already con­vinc­ing when rent­ing LED walls for indoor use is sur­passed by the bright­ness of 6000 Nit and the IP65 pro­tec­tion class. Thanks to the patent­ed quick-lock­ing sys­tem, the » LED­it­go rx3io mod­ules are of course just as quick and easy to set up as their sis­ter mod­el, the LED­it­go rx2+ for indoor use.

You have the guar­an­tee of rent­ing a very high-qual­i­ty LED­it­go prod­uct.
Only solu­tions that guar­an­tee opti­mum col­or fideli­ty and inten­si­ty as well as a very high col­or depth are used in the pro­duc­tion of LED­it­go mod­ules.
The LED­it­go out­door LED wall mod­ules are par­tic­u­lar­ly opti­mized for use with max­i­mum light expo­sure. Even when the LED wall is exposed to direct sun­light, per­fect image repro­duc­tion of the LED­it­go out­door LED walls is guaranteed.

Artistic installation of several small LED walls with text: Live, Laugh, Love.

Quick planning

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Thanks to our expe­ri­ence, we can pro­vide you with very good advice in the area of LED walls and offer you fast con­cepts for imple­men­ta­tion accord­ing to your wishes.

Scaling as desired

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The scaler has the task of adjust­ing the image on an LED wall. The image is scaled to match the for­mat of the LED wall. How big can you imag­ine it? We can make it happen.

Staff for all trades

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We can staff all aspects of pro­duc­tion with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work includes an array of free­lancers that we have vetted.

Full-Ser­vice – LED Modules/​Walls – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

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