Sound engineering

Hiring Sound Systems

Hire our audio equip­ment and ben­e­fit from our exten­sive exper­tise and decades of expe­ri­ence. With us, your event will be a delight­ful acoustic experience.

Sound System Rentals for events with Puzzlepie sound engineering.
A first-class musical experience right up to the last row of the audience.

Collage with opened music book, saxophone players and vocal microphone 55SH.

We offer sound system rental services for any event, ranging from a small lecture
to a large rock concert.

Good event tech­nol­o­gy, e.g. in hotels, is often required to be as invis­i­ble as pos­si­ble. Unob­tru­sive devices should nev­er­the­less pro­duce a first-class sound.
Check out our fan­tas­tic sound sys­tem rentals in the catalogue!

At a fes­ti­val, on the oth­er hand, it’s all about pure sound and volume.
With the audio sys­tem, the bass must be notice­able even in the last row. Com­plex cal­cu­la­tions are required to focus the sound optimally.

Puz­zlepie is able to imple­ment the full range of your audio and sound require­ments on your behalf. We are more than hap­py to respond to your wish­es in order to make your event a suc­cess for you.

Fast planning

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Many years of expe­ri­ence allow us to advise you very well and quick­ly offer you con­cepts for imple­men­ta­tion based on your wishes.

Arbitrary scaling

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From indi­vid­ual pre­sen­ters to large live bands and fes­ti­vals. We have expe­ri­ence in every size range and adapt our hard­ware exact­ly to your requirements.

Sound & Audio Personnel

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We can cov­er all aspects of a large event. Our net­work spans numer­ous free­lancers vet­ted by us.

Orchestra ensemble in the concert hall with conductor for a rehearsal recording.

Full-Ser­vice – Sound engi­neer­ing & Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.