In-house products

Examples of application and product Ideas:

We pro­duce cus­tom-made qual­i­ty media fur­ni­ture for you in close coöper­a­tion with sophis­ti­cat­ed design­ers and car­pen­ters. We cre­ate offers and ser­vices for our cus­tomers that inspire users. With our user-ori­ent­ed con­cept, we devel­op a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing of your needs and cre­ate user expe­ri­ences with an appeal­ing design.

Our prod­uct engi­neer­ing experts will be hap­py to advise you on how to best show­case your cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty on the one hand, and which prod­ucts would be the right ones for your Cor­po­rate Design on the oth­er.
Find out more now with the Puz­zlepie tele­phone consultation.

Nectrol soundbar in modern designed hotel room with bright brick look.

Nectrol Soundbar Sound System for hotels and smart homes.

In start­up mode, the Nec­trol Sound­bar plays indi­vid­ual plays indi­vid­ual music gen­res or announce­ments.
In sound­bar mode, it con­nects to the TV.
In music mode, it plays guests’ music – either via a wired con­nec­tion or Bluetooth.

In con­fer­ence mode, it broad­casts encrypt­ed audio live from the con­fer­ence or ban­quet hall.

The Baby­phone mode lis­tens into the room and trans­mits any sound your baby makes, encrypt­ed, to the Nec­trol Lis­ten­er – and you can respond and soothe your baby through the soundbar.

The WiFi mod­ule turns the Nec­trol sound­bar into a WiFi repeater access point. You can use it to pro­vide your whole house with per­fect and pow­er­ful WiFi coverage.

Emer­gency Mode allows the trans­mis­sion of live spo­ken or record­ed instructions.

The Nec­trol sound­bar can be insep­a­ra­ble from your furniture.

It is man­u­fac­tured in your brand­ed design and fin­ish and has numer­ous addi­tion­al fea­tures and upgrades.

Nectrol soundbar in molded brick design and wood trim.

Development hand in hand.

Our plan­ners and engi­neers work hand in hand with hand-picked net­work part­ners on mechan­i­cal, mecha­tron­ic and elec­tron­ic solu­tions for your appli­ca­tion and prod­uct ideas. In this way, series devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion are already tak­en into account in the design phase.

Through spe­cial­ized devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion part­ners at home and abroad, we sup­ply indi­vid­ual com­po­nents or real­ize the result­ing prod­ucts as OEM or white label in small and large quantities.

JCN stele in landscape format in the conference room.
The key to digital communication!
JCN communication pedestal placed in landscape format on the front side of a conference table.
JCN communication stele placed in portrait format on a staircase.
A man stands in front of a modern communication stele in a modern entrance area of a building.

The Joined Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Net­works Stele is the event solu­tion for today’s mobile con­fer­enc­ing and pro­fes­sion­al video call­ing needs: Con­tent, inspi­ra­tion and ideas.

The JCN as a com­mu­ni­ca­tion stele is avail­able in 2 shapes: Por­trait and Land­scape.
The con­fer­ence and pre­sen­ta­tion stele com­bines mul­ti­ple com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works into one solu­tion with a mod­ern glossy design.

The Stele is an all-in-one con­fer­ence sys­tem for all com­mon tools and is set up indi­vid­u­al­ly before deliv­ery. Micro­phones, loud­speak­ers and a high-res­o­lu­tion cam­era are inte­grat­ed. The 55″ touch dis­play is played by a con­fig­urable Win­dows system.
Two sep­a­rate head­set con­nec­tions and USB sock­ets are locat­ed on the sides. The ste­les are designed for fixed instal­la­tion as well as for mobile and flex­i­ble use.

USB and HDMI inputs are locat­ed on the front pan­el, as is an XLR con­nec­tor for adding a delay table micro­phone to the sys­tem for very large con­fer­ence tables. 

The JCN sys­tems are suit­able for both fixed instal­la­tion and mobile and more flex­i­ble oper­a­tion, allow­ing them to be used for sev­er­al small­er meet­ing rooms in alter­nat­ing oper­a­tion. ▸read more.

Spotlight colorful shining attached to the top of a truss. In the foreground the Puzzlepie logo.

Event planning

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Due to our expe­ri­ence we can advise you indi­vid­u­al­ly and quick­ly in the field of event tech­nol­o­gy and offer you fast con­cepts for the imple­men­ta­tion accord­ing to your wishes.

State-of-the-art technology

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You want more show, effect and light? That is also no prob­lem for us.
How big can you imag­ine? We can real­ize it.

Staff for event technology

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We can staff all major aspects of an event with com­pe­tent per­son­nel. Our net­work includes many free­lancers we have vetted.

Temporary LTE Backup !

Redundant, Mobile & Everywhere.

A state-of-the-art out­door pack­age for stream­ing and sim­i­lar appli­ca­tions. Mobile Inter­net, fail-safe and location-independent.

Mobile stream­ing often requires wire­less con­nec­tions and involves some effort. We can solve this prob­lem and offer a fail­safe total pack­age, out­door ready and ready to go.

Key Fea­tures:

  • Up to 150Mbit
  • Weath­er­proof
  • 2 LTE con­nec­tions with seam­less switching.
  • Inter­net triple redundant
  • Plug & Play
Mobile LTE antenna for flexible network infrastructure.

Don’t let your work be taken away from you.

A func­tion­ing Inter­net con­nec­tion is essen­tial for your busi­ness. Regard­less of whether it’s pro­cess­ing e‑mails, han­dling your cus­tomers’ card pay­ments or work­ing with cloud appli­ca­tions such as Microsoft 365 – noth­ing works in your com­pa­ny with­out the Inter­net. Good thing we can now make your Inter­net con­nec­tion even more reli­able and even more secure: With an LTE back­up for your Inter­net con­nec­tion.
read more.

Full-Ser­vice – In-house prod­ucts – Event Stag­ing.
Favor­able Event Rental Ser­vices from Lusa­ka for Zambia.

Puzzlepie logo for Zambia with red font and symbols for carbon molecules.